Dear Berkeley Scholar,
We hope that you are having a great summer! We have an exciting challenge for you! The challenge begins August, 1, 2024 and ends August 16, 2024.
We challenge you to go for the “GOLD” with your summer reading.
Here is what you need to do:
(1) Read for 60 minutes each day.
(2) Color a medal for each 15 minutes you read.
(3) Give your Summer Reading Challenge sheet to your teacher on the 1st day of school.
Go For The GOLD - your goal is to read for 840 minutes in two weeks. That is only 60 minutes a day.
If you color:
24 medals = 360 minutes you will get a Bronze medal*
40 medals = 600 minutes you will get a Silver medal*
56 medals = 840 minutes you will get a Gold medal*
* Only one medal per reader will be awarded
If you read for 840 minutes and earn a Gold medal, you will be entered into a raffle to win a grand prize.
Exercise your reading brain and earn that GOLD medal.
We will be back together soon and we cannot wait to see you!
Your Berkeley Administrators and Staff
Link to Summer Reading Challenge Letter and Reading Log