Early Childhood


To request a screening, CLICK Screening Form. to complete the form. 

When requesting a screening, you will need the following information: 

  • Parent / legal guardian full name
  • Legal full name of the child
  • Address
  • Date of birth of child
  • A contact phone number
A representative from the program will contact you to schedule an appointment for a screening. You will receive a letter with the date and time of your child's schedule screening.

To be eligible for a screening, you must reside in Berkeley School District 87.  Berkeley School District 87 conducts several Preschool Screenings throughout the year for children between the ages of birth-5. Children are screened in multiple areas of development.  By early screening of the above areas, it enables us to identify possible areas of concern. By early identification, we are able to begin assisting your child with the areas of concern at an early age. The screening process is one way to identify children who need an additional full evaluation or examination in a specific area.

Program Information 

The Early Childhood Program follows the District 87 Calendar and sessions are Monday-Friday

Jefferson School 
- Morning Session: 9:00-11:30   
- Afternoon Session 1:00-3:30

Whittier School 
- Morning Session: 9:00-11:30    
- Afternoon Session 1:00-3:30
The Early Childhood Program is a multi-aged program that provides experiences for young children ages three through five who have identified disabilities and young children who are considered at-risk. All children have an opportunity to play and learn together in an accepting and engaging environment. Each classroom is staffed by at least one certified teacher and one classroom assistant. Consistent with District 87’s philosophy, the Preschool serves the needs of all children utilizing a developmentally- appropriate approach to instruction. Students are not suspended or expelled from the program due to challenging behaviors, but receive behavior intervention support plans. It is not mandatory for preschoolers to be independent in their toileting skills, but it is encouraged.


Residents of District 87 may request a screening to determine if they qualify to attend District 87’s Early Childhood Program. Typically, residents of Jefferson and Sunnyside schools attend the Jefferson Preschool Program and residents of Riley and Whittier Schools attend the Whittier Preschool Program. Please call the District Office at 708-449-3350 if you are unsure if your home is within District 87 boundaries. Families will  prior to entering the Early Childhood Program. Families will also need to provide the following documentation prior to registering for the program: 1) child's original birth certificate and 2) a photo I.D. of parent. 


District 87 conducts Preschool Screening for children between the ages of birth - 5 years old, several times a year. If you are interested in learning more about the Early Childhood Program, are concerned about your child’s development, or just have questions concerning the appropriateness of this screening for your child, please fill out the Request a Screening Form to schedule a screening appointment. Parents will be asked to complete a developmental profile for each child who is screened. Parents will be notified regarding screening results and possible placement. Children identified through the screening as experiencing difficulty in the areas of Cognitive Development, Speech and Language Skills, Social Emotional Development, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, or in Vision and Hearing may be referred for further evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. The preschool screening is not intended as a screening for regular Kindergarten admission. Once a child qualifies for the Early Childhood Program parents will need to verify residency in District 87 and complete registration.

D87 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM PLACEMENT OPTIONS - Preschool For All - A multi-aged program that provides experiences for young children ages three through five who are considered at-risk. All children have an opportunity to play and learn together in an accepting and engaging environment. 

- Blended - An Inclusion Program designed for those students who would otherwise be in a self-contained program, but for whom it has been determined appropriate to provide support and services in the regular education classroom.  

- Early Childhood Self Contained - A program designed for students with identified significant developmental delays in the areas of speech-language, motor, social-emotional, adaptive, and/or cognitive functioning. This program provides early intervention in each of the developmental areas for identified children ages 3-5 and is available in cooperation with PAEC (Proviso Area for Exceptional Children)

- Speech and Language - Speech and language services are provided for students with an identified impairment in one or more of the following areas: articulation, voice, fluency, and/or language delay/disorder, which adversely affects their educational performance.

- Low Incidence Program (Hearing, Visual, Orthopedic Impairment) - Programs for students with a hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairment are available in cooperation with PAEC (Proviso Area for Exceptional Children) and SASED/DuPage.
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