School Meals & Closure Information

School Meals & Closure Information

April 2, 2020
Starting Monday April 6, 2020 MacArthur Middle School and Northlake Middle School will ONLY be open on Mondays and Fridays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  Every Monday we will provide families with enough meals to last until Friday.  Every Friday we will provide families with enough meals to last throughout the weekend.  We will still have Firehouse Subs on Mondays.

March 27, 2020

Starting on Tuesday, March 31 2020 the serving time will be from 10:00am to 11:00am.  Meals will be served at both MacArthur Middle School and Northlake Middle School. 

March 20, 2020

District 87 Families,

Thank you all for your support throughout our school closures. We continue to follow our e-learning plan and have made it our goal to stay connected and provide resources for our students to keep learning going.

If you are in need of technology resources – a Chromebook or wi-fi hotspot – please contact us:

Complete an online Tech Request Form

Call  (English): 

Call  (Spanish):

Breakfast and lunch meals will be available throughout our local area, including Northlake and MacArthur Middle Schools. Breakfast will be available for pick up from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and lunch from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. every weekday from March 16 - April 3, including spring break. All meals are free of charge. Please refer to this document for locations and times.

Please continue to practice social distancing and following all health care guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (

If there is anything you or your family need, please contact us. We are here to assist in whatever way we can.

Stay safe and stay connected!

March 13, 2020

District 87 Families,

As we prepare to begin our E-Learning plan on Monday, we want to make all families aware of some important information. 


E-Learning Plans

E-Learning will begin Monday, March 16 and continue through Friday, March 20. There will be no e-learning during spring break (March 21-March 29). E-Learning will resume on Monday, March 30 through Friday, April 3. Students should follow the current plans provided by their teachers. These are also available on each school’s website. Teachers will be in contact with additional information about learning activities after Monday, March 16.


Access to Technology

Students in grades 2-8 brought home their Chromebooks today. If there are any families in grades PreK - 1st who do not have access to a device or internet at home, please contact the District Office (708-449-3350) to inquire about securing a device or mobile hotspot for home use during this time.  


Comcast announced Thursday that new customers will get complimentary internet essentials service for 60 days amid the coronavirus outbreak. To sign up, applicants can simply visit There are also two dedicated phone numbers 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish.


Access to Schools

Parents who need to collect student’s personal belongings at school may visit the school office on Monday, March 16th from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Starting Tuesday, March 17th, all schools will be closed to all visitors. 


Lunch and Breakfast Meals

Breakfast and lunch meals will be available throughout our local area, including Northlake and MacArthur Middle Schools. Breakfast will be available for pick up from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and lunch from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. every weekday from March 16 - April 3, including spring break. All meals are free of charge. Please refer to this document for locations and times.


Voting on Election Day

We have had parents ask us what impact the coronavirus will have on the upcoming election, with Election Day this Tuesday, March 17th. Due to these circumstances, we encourage you to take advantage of early voting, which runs through Monday, so you can avoid the crowds on Election Day. There may still be time for you to vote by mail if you contact the county clerk's office immediately.


I am very proud of our students and staff for the outstanding job today given these very difficult times. Your patience, support, and understanding as a community is greatly appreciated.


Please continue to monitor your email and our District 87 website for updated information.




Dr. Terri Bresnahan


March 13, 2020

Link to Leyden Area Free Meal Distribution Information

March 13, 2020

Dear School Community, 

After careful consideration of information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) regarding social distancing and the support of preventative measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus in our community, we are closing schools beginning Monday, March 16th with a tentative return date of April 6th. School will be in session all day today.  

Proactive school closures have been shown to be one of the most powerful interventions that we can deploy to curb the spread of a virus.

Further information will be forthcoming regarding the districts’ efforts to maintain some continuity of instruction for our students over this time.

School officials will continue to work with our local health department, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and medical community partners. We will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of everyone in our community. 

We appreciate your support during this challenging time.  We know there will be a lot of questions and we will be in communication with updates as they develop.


Dr. Terri Bresnahan


Querida Comunidad Escolar, 

Después de una cuidadosa consideración de parte de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois (IDPH) respecto a distanciamiento social y el apoyo a las medidas preventivas para limitar la propagación del coronavirus en nuestra comunidad, cerraremos las escuelas a partir del Lunes 16 de Marzo con una fecha tentativa de regreso el 6 de Abril. Hoy estamos en escuela todo el dia. 

Se ha demostrado que el cierre de escuelas es una de las intervenciones más poderosas que podemos implementar para frenar la propagación de un virus. 

Se dara mas informacion sobre los esfuerzos del distrito para mantener cierta continuidad de la instrucción para nuestros estudiantes durante este tiempo. 

Oficiales de la escuela continuarán trabajando con nuestro departamento de salud local, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois, y nuestros compañeros de la comunidad médica.  Tomaremos los pasos necesarios para asegurar la seguridad, salud, y bienestar de todos en nuestra comunidad. 

Agradecemos su apoyo durante este momento difícil. Entendemos que hay preguntas y estaremos en contacto para ponerlos al día cuando se desarrollen nuevas noticias. 

Dr. Terri Bresnahan


On Behalf of the Leyden Area School Districts:

Rosemont 78 - Kevin Anderson
Schiller Park 81 - Kim Boryszewski
Mannheim 83 - Kim Petrasek
Franklin Park 84 - David Katzin
Rhodes 84 - Jim Prather
River Grove 85.5 - Jan Rashid
Berkeley 87 - Terri Bresnahan
Leyden HS 212 - Nick Polyak

March 12, 2020

Dear Berkeley 87 Families,

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. The information below is intended to ensure we are prepared and continue to provide the safest environment for our D87 family.

We know there are continuing concerns about Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and its potential impact on our community. Please be assured that we are closely monitoring the situation and making the necessary preparations in case COVID-19 becomes more prevalent in our school community. For now, there have been no verified cases of COVID-19 in Berkeley School District 87, but that could change as time goes on. We continue to follow the guidance from the Cook County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health as they process the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Therefore, effective Friday, March 13th, District 87 will be limiting its facilities to only essential instructional activities. All D87 after-school activities are suspended until further notice, including sporting practices and games, family events, and clubs. In addition, all activities involving visitors in our facilities, all off-campus field trips, and the use of our facilities by the community (non-District 87), are canceled.

As your child’s parent/guardian, we support your best judgment for the well-being of your child. Should you decide to keep your child at home, please contact the school office and provide your reason for the absence. Absences related to COVID-19 concerns will be coded as excused for all students.

Please continue to follow these precautions:

  • Your child should stay home if sick until at least 24 hours after there is no longer a fever or signs of a fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications).
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Wash your hands following the use of a tissue. 
  • Washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Staying home if you have been exposed to a family or household member who is sick.
  • Please consult your healthcare provider if you have a concern for yourself or a family member shows symptoms of illness.
  • Consult advisories when preparing to travel outside of the country, particularly to already impacted areas.

The status of operations will continue until further notice and will be monitored with guidance from local, state and federal health and education officials. We understand a decision of this magnitude will produce questions during this time of uncertainty. Please contact your school office if you have any questions at this time. 


Dr. Terri Bresnahan


12 de marzo del 2020

Estimadas familias de Berkeley 87:

Nuestra prioridad principal es la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes y personal. La siguiente información tiene por objetivo garantizar que estamos preparados y continuar brindando el ambiente más seguro para nuestra familia D87.

Sabemos que hay continuas preocupaciones sobre el Nuevo Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) y su impacto potencial en nuestra comunidad. Tenga la seguridad de que estamos monitoreando de cerca la situación y haciendo los preparativos necesarios en caso de que COVID-19 sea más frecuente en nuestra comunidad escolar. Por ahora, no se han verificado casos de COVID-19 en Berkeley School District 87, pero eso podría cambiar con el paso del tiempo. Continuamos siguiendo la guía del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Cook y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois mientras procesan la última guía del Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Por lo tanto, a partir del viernes, 13 de marzo, el Distrito 87 limitará sus instalaciones a actividades educativas esenciales unicamente. Todas las actividades extracurriculares del Distrito 87 se suspenden hasta un nuevo aviso, incluyendo las prácticas deportivas y juegos, eventos familiares y clubs. Además, se cancelan todas las actividades que involucran a visitantes a nuestras instalaciones, todas las excursiones fuera del campus y el uso de nuestras instalaciones por parte de la comunidad (no del Distrito 87).

Como padre / tutor de su hijo, apoyamos su mejor juicio para el bienestar de su hijo. Si decide mantener a su hijo en casa, comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela y explique el motivo de la ausencia. Las ausencias relacionadas con las preocupaciones de COVID-19 se codificarán como excusadas para todos los estudiantes.

Continúe siguiendo estas precauciones:

  • Su hijo debe quedarse en casa si está enfermo hasta al menos 24 horas después de no tener fiebre o signos de fiebre (sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre). 
  • Cúbrase su nariz/boca con un pañuelo de papel al toser o estornudar. Lávese las manos después del uso de un pañuelo.
  • Lávese las manos con agua y jabón o use desinfectante para manos cuando no hay agua y jabón disponibles.
  • Quédase en casa si ha estado expuesto a un pariente o miembro del hogar que está enfermo.
  • Consulte con su proveedor médico si tiene una preocupación para usted o si un miembro de su familia muestra síntomas de enfermedad.
  • Consulte los avisos cuando se prepare para viajar fuera del país, particularmente a áreas ya afectadas.

El estado de las operaciones continuará hasta un nuevo aviso y será monitoreado con la guiancia de funcionarios locales, estatales y federales de salud y educación. Entendemos que una decisión de esta magnitud producirá preguntas durante este tiempo de incertidumbre. Comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta.




Dr. Terri Bresnahan


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